We are very excited to announce that Sleep Management Institute can now provide our patients with CPAP supplies and equipment. If you are interested in using us for your CPAP needs, call the number below. We also work in conjunction with preferred Durable Medical Equipment (DME) companies that are in network with any insurance companies that we are not.
“We are your one stop shop when it comes to sleep apnea diagnosis and treatment! For questions, please call our office at (513) 721-7533 ext. 3 or email To learn more about your treatment, equipment, or the benefits of treatment,
click here.
With your therapy there are items that will need regular replacing.
Nasal Pillow masks are the least invasive type of interface. Lightweight, minimal contact, and sleek designs, these masks are best used for lower pressures. Nasal Pillow Masks tend to leak at higher pressures. Nasal Pillows Masks are good for people who might feel claustrophobic at times. The only downside to Nasal and Nasal Pillow masks, would be if the patient mouth breathes at night.
Nasal Masks are best for patients who move around or sleep on their sides. With the cushion making a seal completely around the nose, this mask holds in leak better than nasal pillows. Nasal Masks are the most practical type of mask for the common cpap user.
Full Face Masks are best for most cpap users. Having sleep apnea has taught patients to breathe through their mouths during sleep to get the airway to open. When using cpap the pressure will cycle out of the mouth and not get to the airway to keep it open if not wearing a full face mask.
Your Sleep study tested positive for sleep apnea. Therefore, we will be sending your DME (durable medical equipment) company a written order for a new CPAP machine.
Once your DME company has your order they will begin working with your insurance company to get all the details for what they will cover and your financial responsibility. A representative will call you with this information and schedule an appointment to pick up your machine.
You will be scheduled to meet with your DME’s Respiratory Therapist to go over the machine and equipment. At your appointment, you will discuss how to operate the machine, clean your supplies, and change settings for your machine.
You will take home your machine, mask, extra cushions, and extra filters. You will start using your machine that night.
A mask interface is worn either in the nostrils, over the nose, or over the nose and mouth while you sleep. The nasal interface is connected by a hose to a regulated air pump which is bedside. Warm, humidified air is pushed through the tube to keep your airway open when you sleep.
It can take some time to adjust to wearing the mask but most people feel more rested and alert with the start of this treatment. CPAP needs to be used every time you sleep to stop the apnea. If it is not used or not used correctly, apnea will return. Getting used to cpap therapy can be tricky at first. On average, it takes about 2 weeks to get comfortable with wearing a mask and breathing with the pressure. We encourage our patients to try and get used to their cpap by wearing their cpap if they are reading or watching tv in bed. Also wearing during naps. This can help a patient get use to the pressure while not fighting during sleep hours.
Insurance companies set guidelines for cpap users in order to cover their portion of the cost. The patient must use their cpap machine for 4 or more hours a day. If the patient doesn’t meet compliance the insurance company has the right to stop paying for the machine.
5240 East Galbraith Road
Cincinnati, OH 45236
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